
Monday, September 17, 2012

Manic Monday!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

It's Manic Monday!  Thank for stopping by.  I have linked up once again with this great resource created by Charity Preston. Today's freebie is a sheet that can be given to students to use as soon as they walk through the door of your class.  It's four opportunities for them to think on paper - and for you to gather some data through formative assessment.

Click the picture to get your copy. :)

The upper-left box has space for students to record answers to a "Do Now" activity that would be ready for them to tackle as soon as they sit down.  Then there are two spots for "Stop, Think & Share" where students can record thoughts about a topic of reading or discussion, answer a question, reflect on an activity, etc.  They can then share with a partner, small group or whole class.  The last box on the bottom right is a Ticket Out spot.  Students can record an answer to the last follow-up question of the class, list a few things they have learned, or ask a question about something they would still like to know.  Then, this whole sheet would be their "Ticket Out the Door" - handed to you as they leave.

Bonus: If they know that you will be seeing each of these at the end of the period - as well monitoring them while they are working during class - they are much more willing to stay on task! :)

Now you have a chance to go through the papers and really see who is getting it!  Hand back the next day or save in their folders - it's up to you how you use them, but the information you can get from these little sheets is very helpful in planning the next day's lessons.  

I hope you find this freebie useful.  Be sure to check around the other link-ups to Classroom Freebies today to find some more great ideas! 

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller 


  1. This is great! Thanks so much for sharing. I found your blog through Classroom Freebies and am so very excited to be one of your followers. Please feel free to link up to my Blogs of Inspiration page if you'd like.
    Happy Teaching,
    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

  2. Thank you so much, Laura! I just visited your site and love it! Thank you for the invite to link up. I'm just getting started, and this is all so very exciting! :)

  3. Nice informal assessment idea and explanation. This is also a way students could communicate with you through these forms. Carolyn/

  4. Carolyn, encouraging students to communicate questions and/or concerns on these forms is a great idea! Knowing middle schoolers, sometimes the things that may be holding them back are things they have difficulty articulating, but in this format, there is an alternative for sharing that would feel like less of a risk for them. Love it - thank you!

  5. Great way to keep kids focused! Thanks for sharing your printables.

    1. I hope both teachers and students find them helpful!:) Thank you for stopping by.
