
Friday, January 25, 2013

This Week's Friday Favorites - January 25, 2013

And another week has flown by!  Time for Friday Favorites, a moment that I like to take to share things I've found over the week that are inspiring and motivating.  It can be anything that can help enrich instruction in the classroom, touch the hearts of teachers and parents alike...or anything in between.

This week, before I show you some of my favorites, I would like to once again thank everyone who participated in last week's Favorite Finds Linky Party by either linking up a post, or taking the time to check out the great ideas and finds that were shared.  I plan on having another linky party with the same theme next month, so be on the lookout for some great ideas to share.  I can't wait to see what February will bring!

Now (cue drum roll), on to my shares:

First, I want to share something that, as a blogger, has already changed my life.  I was so lucky to come across a FB post by Krystal of Lessons from the Middle, which happens to me one of my favorite middle school blogs. (Click on the link and take a look if you haven't found her already.  Hey, I just shared a favorite without even trying! Lol)  Anyway, she shared a post from the blog Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans that shared a link to a FREE...I know, that's right...a FREE Blogging Planner for 2013 created by Confessions of a Homeschooler!  I clicked on the link and checked it out, downloaded the planner and had to check back a few times to make sure it really was for FREE.  First of all, these are b-e-a-utiful!  Then, even before I started printing the pages I knew this was just what I've been trying to create for myself, but still being kinda new to this whole thing, didn't really know how to best put it all together.  I've started using it already this week and, between this and figuring out HootSuite for scheduling posts on FB, I'm really starting to feel a little more organized and am starting to gain a bit more blogging confidence.  If any of you are also new to blogging, or thinking about starting a blog, click on the link for Confessions of a Homeschooler and take a look.  I just know you'll love it!  I know I really appreciate all the shares that led me to my "bloggy bliss," and I hope this may help you, too. :)

Secondly, I want to share a beautiful story that is sure to inspire.  I came across this via a FB friend (She also happens to be the beautiful wife of my cousin, mommy to 3 fantastic young children AND a brand new teacher to boot!) who posted this link to a news video clip from  It's a story about a beautiful young woman's true passion for teaching and determination to break through stereotypes to meet challenges and make her dreams come true.  This is perseverance at its best...and a love of learning that is contagious. It's my gift to you - to warm your heart on this cold winter day (at least here in the Catskills...brrr!).

Anything that has inspired you this week?  Feel free to share in the comments below! :)
Have a great weekend!