
About Me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Stephanie and I have been teaching English Language Arts in the middle school setting for the past 14 years. I've taught 6th, 7th and 8th graders...and I have not only lived to tell about it, but I can honestly say that I've enjoyed it! I hold a Bachelor's Degree in English and Secondary English Education as well as a Master's in Education in Reading and am a certified Reading Specialist K-12.

This year I am embarking on a new adventure as the 1st time mommy of a 1st time Kindergartner. Like many working moms, I'm trying to find a balance between a profession that I adore and my family...of whom I'm equally as fond. :) Graciously, I've been granted a leave of absence this school year and I'm looking forward to assisting our son in his all-important transition to public school, all the while fostering in him a love of learning that will hopefully guide him through his education.

Of course, I can't stop thinking about "my other kids" in middle school, and will be working on lots of ideas and projects that I hope to use once I return to my classroom. Hopefully by sharing my efforts with other teachers, I will be able to help you, my colleagues, by saving you a little time or creating a spark of inspiration. Both of which I'm hoping will assist you in finding a bit of balance in your lives, too.


  1. You had a Valentine page, mad lib form, for students to fill out about their mother and also a poem. I don't find it. Am I looking in the wrong place?

    1. If you click on the FREEBIES Tab above and scroll down just a bit, you'll find that and all of the other freebies that I have available. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. I stumbled across your blog today and I love it! I just downloaded your vocab games freebie. :)
