As an educator in New York State, I've been very aware of the The New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards, which were adopted by the New York State Board of Regents in January 2011 for both ELA & Literacy and for Mathematics. The overall implementation of them, however, is new this year to many in our state. When thought of in its entirety, a daunting task to be sure. Yet, with a little help in breaking these standards down into manageable chunks, the overall goal for every state that is implementing Common Core - that of ensuring our students are graduating from K-12 schools college and career ready - seems much more attainable.
It is with this in mind that I have begun tearing down the Common Core Learning Standards for ELA. My first project is working with the 7th grade standards, as I am most familiar with those. The first "bundle" I have completed in this project is the Reading Standards for Literature Strand.
In this bundle you will find
each of the Reading Standards for Literature for 7th grade
(RL.7.1 - RL.7.11). I have taken each standard and
created “I can…” statements in simpler, student-friendly language. You will also find that next to each
standard, taking into consideration the “I can…” statements, I have included
definitions of terms that your students may need to help them truly understand
what is expected. Once our students know
what they need to do, reaching the standards will be much easier! J
Standards - "I can..." - Definitions of Key Words
The next part of this bundle is a
collection of graphic organizers that I have made to help students negotiate
meaning from literature and make connections following the learning standards
of the Common Core. I call these Stop, Think and Share Sheets, as I often
use these to facilitate classroom discussion and, of course, as a means of
formative assessment while I'm monitoring who's "getting it." While
your students are working on stopping and filling them out...thinking on paper
BEFORE they share, you can easily monitor and intervene with one-on-one
attention when necessary. You’ll know
for certain who may need some extra help, and your students will feel more
comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.
You will find that there is one graphic organizer for each standard,
save RL.7.8 and RL.7.10, for which graphic organizers are not useful. At the top of each graphic organizer students
will find the standard, an “I can…” statement and any necessary definitions
that will help them understand the task at hand.
Examples of Graphic Organizers
I am also including a copy of my
Daily Plan Template. This tool is a
freebee also found in my first post here and in my store, but I feel that the tips I include with the
template may be helpful with incorporating the standards into you teaching, so
I am attaching my template to this bundle as well.
I hope that you find all of these resources to helpful tools as you start your school year. I am planning to make similar bundles for each strand of the Common Core for ELA at both the 7th and 8th grade levels. Be sure to click
here for an even better look if you are interested in the first of many Common Core resources I have planned. Let me know what you think below. Feel free to suggest other ideas as well. If I know what other teachers are looking for, I can more easily create resources that will fit your needs for your classrooms.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller