First up is my favorite find of the week. This video clip has been making the rounds, and though you may have seen it, it's worth a second look. Consider making time and sharing it with your students and your children, too. It's another great example of young people stepping up and and showing that kindness and compassion do exist in our schools. These student athletes have followed the examples of the adults in their lives - specifically parents and coaches in this instance - to go above and beyond in making sure that a very deserving peer is able to experience success on the basketball court. A must-see:
Love it!!
Next up is a FREEBIE! March 1st it is (SO hard to believe it's already here) here is the next in my Cooperative Learning Partners monthly themes. This month it's:
(Click the image to download.)
Make copies on cardstock, if possible, to make them more sturdy.
3-hole punch them along the top so that they can stay in the front of each student's binder for quick referencing. :)
(Click HERE for the October post that started it all and explains how to use them in your class. Check out my FREEBIES page as well to collect the previous months if you would like, too.)
Lastly, I'm so very happy to share some big news with you!! I can't give too many details yet, but a wonderful bloggy-buddy is planning to share some really great stuff this Saturday. Tracey from The Teacher's Chair has created the Teaching Blog Circle (a true example of kindness in and of itself) and many of us in it are participating. She has posted some details of one part of her giveaway already and I would love for you to see it. Click on the image below to check it out. Then, be sure to stop by The Teacher's Chair first thing tomorrow to find out how to enter for chances (That's right! Way more than one!) to win. What a great way to start a long-awaited weekend, right?! Yay!! :)

You're the best, Stephanie :) I am so glad we're bloggin friends!!